- 定义字符串的左旋转操作:把字符串前面的若干个字符移动到字符串的尾部。如把字符串abcdef左旋转2位得到字符串cdefab。请实现字符串左旋转的函数。要求时间对长度为n的字符串操作的复杂度为O(n),辅助内存为O(1)。
输入一个英文句子,翻转句子中单词的顺序,但单词内字符的顺序不变。句子中单词以空格符隔开。为简单起见,标点符号和普通字母一样处理。例如输入“I am a student.”,则输出“student. a am I”。
1 #include "string.h" 2 3 char* LeftRotateString(char* pStr, unsigned int n) 4 { 5 if(pStr != NULL) 6 { 7 int nLength = static_cast (strlen(pStr)); 8 if(nLength > 0 && n > 0 && n < nLength) 9 {10 char* pFirstStart = pStr;11 char* pFirstEnd = pStr + n - 1;12 char* pSecondStart = pStr + n;13 char* pSecondEnd = pStr + nLength - 1;14 15 // reverse the first part of the string16 ReverseString(pFirstStart, pFirstEnd);17 // reverse the second part of the strint18 ReverseString(pSecondStart, pSecondEnd);19 // reverse the whole string20 ReverseString(pFirstStart, pSecondEnd);21 }22 }23 24 return pStr;25 }26 27 void ReverseString(char* pStart, char* pEnd)28 {29 if(pStart != NULL && pEnd != NULL)30 {31 while(pStart <= pEnd)32 {33 char temp = *pStart;34 *pStart = *pEnd;35 *pEnd = temp;36 37 pStart ++;38 pEnd --;39 }40 }41 }
翻转“I am a student.”中所有字符得到“.tneduts a ma I”,再翻转每个单词中字符的顺序得到“students. a am I”,正是符合要求的输出。
1 char* ReverseSentence(char *pData) 2 { 3 if(pData == NULL) 4 return NULL; 5 6 char *pBegin = pData; 7 char *pEnd = pData; 8 9 while(*pEnd != '\0')10 pEnd ++;11 pEnd--;12 13 // Reverse the whole sentence14 Reverse(pBegin, pEnd);15 16 // Reverse every word in the sentence17 pBegin = pEnd = pData;18 while(*pBegin != '\0')19 {20 if(*pBegin == ' ')21 {22 pBegin ++;23 pEnd ++;24 continue;25 }26 // A word is between with pBegin and pEnd, reverse it27 else if(*pEnd == ' ' || *pEnd == '\0')28 {29 Reverse(pBegin, --pEnd);30 pBegin = ++pEnd;31 }32 else33 {34 pEnd ++;35 }36 }37 38 return pData;39 }